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AIDS crisis RPG/workshop

Sunday 04/12
13:00 - 17:00
Zoutziedersstraat 20

This workshop will be a more interactive session about Queer life during the AIDS crisis: Carewolf is an interactive and immersive tabletop roleplaying game that invites the player to experience queerness and its position in (a mostly hostile) society. The workshop focuses on collective creativity, improvisation, experimental expressivity, and embodiement of different characters in different interactions based on historically inspired scenarios The players will create their characters together, using 5 archetypes of the queer community, and a very open character trait system (with sexualities such as stage daddy, Ice femme and beta babe), while at the same time establishing relationships between them. The players will then explore the world around them by improvising scenes between them with Lucía playing the world and other people, while giving minimal feedback to the players Afterwards Lucía (@femmebeachtop) will host a quick chat about the scenario and the real world era that inspired it

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